and Erotic Card Game

How’s your sex life?  Got questions?  Issues?  The Pillow Deck, as Tantric Oracle, can clarify the answers for you.  Rocco Iacopini, who has been reading Tarot and palms in his native Italy for over 30 years, received inspiration from the Tantric paintings of JG Bertrand.  Rocco saw that, because of their archetypal resonance, they were also a medium for divination. Thus The Pillow Deck was born from the imagery of  The Pillow Book of Venus and Her Lover  as a collaboration among artist JG Bertrand, mystic Rocco Iacopini, and writer Becca Tzigany.  The Pillow Deck offers a safe space in which to explore your own sexual mysteries and sensual delights.

How about inviting some friends over for a game of cards, which then coaxes the players into discussing erogenous zones, seduction stories, or the “first time”?  Would you like to act out fantasies with your lover, or with your more intimate friends?  The Pillow Deck, as Erotic Card Game, offers many scenarios for sexy play, as well as personal discovery.

The Pillow Deck gives you “two for one”!

Sample cards. Click on the card titles for the oracle reading.

art by James Bertrand
intepreted by Rocco Iacopini
co-authored by Becca Tzigany


32 full-color cards with illustrated book of suggested uses


As an oracle, it offers a revealing look at your relationship patterns, energy blocks and inherent strengths


As a card game, play by yourself, with a partner or in a group for an entertaining and daring look into your sexuality

Pillow Deck spread

The Pillow Deck™ – A Tantric Oracle and Erotic Card Game

by Rocco Iacopini, James Bertrand, and Becca Tzigany

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Original Tantric Art