Pick a card

from the Pillow Deck

of Venus and Her Lover

Who are you in relationship?  

How’s your sex life?  

What is your relationship history telling you?

Consult the Oracle!

The Pillow Deck

As a spin-off of The Pillow Book, The Pillow Deck – a Tantric Oracle & Erotic Card Game, offers a mystical, interactive experience with Venus and Her Lover. Methods for using the cards – face down or revealed, in spreads or singly, for personal reflection or divination – are explained in the accompanying booklet. Rocco Iacopini, who has been reading Tarot and palms for over 30 years near the Duomo in Florence, Italy, has rendered a sensitive interpretation of the images. As a relationship oracle, The Pillow Deck can present insight into your sexuality, energy blocks, inherent strengths, and unconscious patterns with other people.

You can also play erotic games with the cards – from talking with other players about relationship and sex, to more touchy-feely connections with one another. Have fun with the cards, refining your attunement to your inner voice and intuitive vision.

How It Works ~

You may choose 3 cards for $1. You can ask 3 different questions, or have each card represent a different lover, or Past-Present-Future. Do not ask a yes-or-no question. Instead, ask questions like . . .

  • What stage of my emotional life am I in right now?
  • What archetypes are at play (within me, or in our relationship)?
  • What is on the horizon for us as a couple?
  • What do I need to know to be a better partner?

How to Do a Reading ~

  1. Focus your mind and your feelings on your question. The more you focus, the more accurate your reading will be.
  2. Click on a card to make your choice.
  3. Your reading will appear in another window.

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